Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

I was at home in my pajamas watching Direct.TV when a random number called my cell phone. I definitely should not have answered because it was a co-worker ( who had an out of town number) calling to say that they were short staffed and they really needed me to come into work. She put me on the spot and I didn’t have time to think of an excuse. So of course, I had to said yes. I was really looking forward to having two days off. I work in an inpatient women’s substance abuse facility. I work long hours and there is so much drama that everyday will wear you out. So I peeled myself off of the couch, got ready, jumped in the car and headed to work. On the way, I swung by McDonalds. I figured that I would treat myself if I was going to have to go into work on my day off! As soon as I got up there, settled into my desk and getting ready to work. About fifteen minutes later, the coworker that was not going to be able to make it to work showed up. That meant that I got to go home! It was such a nice surprise to get the day off again!